Wall Street Journal Subscription Update
Collections Update from the Mahaffey Business Library
We now have direct access to the Wall Street Journal
If you are already personally subscribed to the Wall Street Journal already. Do 2 things:
1. Cancel your current subscription
Please email AcademicSupport@dowjones.com or call 1-800-JOURNAL to cancel. When
requesting an account cancellation, indicate that your University has partnered with WSJ to
provide complimentary memberships to students, faculty, and staff.
2. Go to WSJ.com/ND and do a one-time account creation.
If you are not personally subscribed to the Wall Street Journal. Do 1 thing:
1. Go to WSJ.com/ND and do a one-time account creation
Our Capital IQ access policy has changed and can now be accessed by the following methods.
1. Access Capital IQ at the following link with your netID and password.
2. Alternatively, access as a clickable icon in okta.nd.ed
Please reach out to Ask a Business Librarian if the sign-in gives you an error or the Okta icon does not
Accounts from the previous policy will still work for a brief migration grace period. Eventually, these
accounts will become inaccessible requiring all users to access via the new policy. Our Business Library Databases Page also maintains active links to each of these resources in addition to many others.