Construction Updates

Construction Updates

Mendoza Facilities

Latest Updates

Geothermal Pipe Welding & Installation (Mendoza)
Duration: Through the end of January
What: Crews will be welding and installing large pipes to connect our new north addition to the campus geothermal heating and cooling systems. Although the smoke will be contained and filtered, you may notice occasional burning smells. Please rest assured that this work is closely monitored by the Notre Dame Fire Department and Risk Management & Safety. Our fire alarms will alert us if any issues arise.


Excavation on Mendoza’s Exterior (Northwest Side, near Suite 102)
When: Wednesday, January 15 – Friday, January 17
What: Excavation will occur outside Suite 102. The area will be clearly marked with safety tape, and we ask that you avoid entering any construction zones for your safety.


Core Drilling (Under Suite 102)
When: Monday, January 20 (MLK Day)
What: Crews will be drilling through the exterior wall beneath Suite 102. As this work falls on a University holiday, we expect minimal disruption to the usual flow of activity and fewer individuals will be affected by the noise.


HVAC Equipment Installation (Stayer Center)
When: Starting Friday, January 10
What: Crews will replace the old steam heating coils with new hot-water coils to shift more load to the geothermal systems. The equipment will be loaded into the building tomorrow, and installation will continue over the following weeks. During this time, there may be intermittent temperature fluctuations.


Behavioral Lab Construction (Mendoza)
Duration: Through June 2nd, 2025
What: Construction  will continue on the new behavioral lab located in the northwest wing of the lower level.  Access to the corridor between classroom L003 and the northwest stairwell is restricted and should be used as an emergency exit only. Please follow the directions on the posted signage in that area.


Please email questions or concerns to

January 13, 2025