Mendoza Exchange

Martijn Cremers

Martijn Cremers

Monday, 28 October 2019

During the recent Notre Dame Town Hall fall sessions, Father Jenkins suggested three key questions:

  • Automate: Are there systems or processes that will automate certain jobs or tasks to enhance efficiency?
  • Integrate: Can we improve efficiency and effectiveness by identifying areas where people are doing similar jobs and looking for ways to integrate operations?
  • Prioritize: What activities can we stop doing in order to take on those that have a higher strategic

A part of being good stewards of our resources is a continual evaluation of the way we’ve been doing things and asking ourselves what we should stop doing — which activities or projects no longer support our priorities. It’s also an opportunity for innovation, finding different ways to do our jobs to be more effective and efficient. A number of Mendoza teams are already reimagining their jobs and find new and innovative ways to gain efficiencies through automation, integration and prioritization.

One great example is the partnership of Executive Education and Mendoza IT with OIT to select a robust campus-wide event registration tool. The benefits of the new tool include a better experience for users and operational efficiencies. The project also is a collaborative effort with Venue ND, ND Athletics, University Relations, IDEA Center, Office of the Controller, Procurement and Auxiliary Operations. The tentative campus rollout is spring 2020.

I’m very grateful for this and other efforts and the many faculty and staff members who contributed their thoughts, time and expertise toward enacting changes. I’ve also heard many good ideas from individuals for ways we can continue to improve our culture and operations during the recent one-on-one meetings with staff.

As always, I value your input. I encourage you to continue to bring up ideas and concerns with me, the associate deans, directors and chairs.

In Notre Dame,
