IT Tech Tips and News

How to Set Call Forwarding

Press the CFwdALL softkey. Then, dial the extension or number you want calls to forward to. For an off-campus number, dial 8 followed by the external phone number (include area code if long distance) then the number. The number you are being forwarded to will appear at the bottom of your phone screen. To deactivate Call Forwarding, press the CFwdALL softkey. The number you were forwarded to will disappear from the bottom of your phone screen.

Relaunch the Chrome Web Browser

Google recently disclosed that the Chrome web browser has a serious vulnerability that puts your computer at risk of compromise from malicious PDF files. To mitigate this risk, a new version of the Chrome web browser is now available. To make sure your computer is updated to Chrome version 78.0.3904.97 or newer, click the URL: chrome://settings/help in a Chrome browser. If your computer is not updated to this version, just click Relaunch.

Use Your Scroll Wheel to Open a New Tab

When you want to quickly open a link in a new tab, look to your mouse. After placing your cursor on the link, click down on your scroll wheel. It'll automatically open the link in a new tab and save you from opening a new tab, copying the link location, and pasting it in your browser.

Pin Applications to the Taskbar

Are you tired of searching through your Start menu for that one program you use all the time? You can pin a frequently used app to the bottom task bar by right clicking on the app in the Start menu  > more > pin to task bar. Alternatively, you could also physically drag the app down to the task bar.

Classroom Tips

For tools and information on teaching technologies available (e.g., technology in classrooms) please visit the Teaching Preparation page. If you need help in a Registrar classroom outside of Mendoza or Stayer, such as in DeBartolo, call (574) 631-8778 for support. For further assistance please contact and schedule a consultation session.