- Accountancy: For non-business majors who desire a significant exposure to the language of business, the minor develops the accounting analytical skills to enhance careers in a wide variety of industries. Enrollment so far is 30 rising juniors and 15 rising sophomores.
- Digital Marketing: Offered to non-business majors, the minor presents fundamental marketing concepts as well as courses specific to digital marketing. Enrollment so far is above 80 students.
- Real Estate: Administered through Mendoza’s Finance Department in collaboration with Notre Dame’s Fitzgerald Institute for Real Estate, the minor is open to all Notre Dame undergraduate students (i.e., business and non-business majors), and includes courses from outside Mendoza as well. Forty-seven sophomores and 36 first-years are enrolled so far.
New minors
Martijn Cremers
Monday, 15 April 2019Kudos to Stayer
Martijn Cremers
Monday, 8 April 2019ND Voice
Martijn Cremers
Monday, 1 April 2019- Our participation rate was 80.9%, which is an excellent number and speaks to the importance you placed on providing your input. Our highest scores are around Engagement and Work Community, where we have higher numbers than the overall University.
- Respect and Fairness consistently earned a low score across the University, which is a concern and an opportunity to improve, and I commit to diving into the issue more deeply.
- We also have room to improve in the category of Recognition, which is another area of opportunity across campus.
- It would be good to better understand differences in scores between men and women, and explore how we can address these.
Faculty research update
Martijn Cremers
Monday, 11 March 2019Here’s an update on several noteworthy published or forthcoming papers by our Mendoza faculty:
"Conforming Tax Avoidance and Capital Market Pressure" (forthcoming in The Accounting Review)
Brad Badertscher, Accountancy Professor
In this study, Brad and his co-authors developed a measure of corporate tax avoidance that reduces both financial and taxable income, which they refer to as "book-tax conforming" tax avoidance. The measure should be useful in future research and provides new insights on the extent to which public firms are willing to reduce income tax liabilities at the expense of reporting lower financial income.
"Institutional Logics and Pluralistic Responses to Enterprise System Implementation: A Qualitative Meta-
Analysis" (forthcoming in MIS Quarterly)
Nicholas Berente, ITAO Associate Professor
Researchers have been studying organizational reactions to enterprise information systems now for 20 years. Enterprise information systems span across diverse units in an organization, and include systems like enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), and electronic health records (EHR). In this study, Nick and his co-authors use a "qualitative meta analysis" methodology to synthesize the findings from the existing body of research. They developed an integrative framework that describes when to expect what sort of reaction to an enterprise information system implementation in different parts of an organization and under different conditions.
"Transparency and dealer networks: Evidence from the initiation of post-trade reporting in the mortgage
backed security market" (Journal of Financial Economics)
Paul Schultz, John W. and Maude Clarke Professor of Finance
Mortgage-backed securities, like corporate, municipal and treasury bonds, trade in dealer markets. Investors buy and sell them through investment banks and other financial intermediaries rather than in a centralized exchange. In dealer markets it is often difficult for investors to determine whether they are paying or receiving a fair price for securities. Schultz and his co-author examined the impact of a regulatory change that forced dealers to report trades and trade prices within 45 minutes. The research found in part that with trade reporting, trading costs fell for institutional investors and that concealing trade prices didn’t help investors but rather protected inefficient high-cost dealers.
"What Are We Explaining? A Review and Agenda on Initiating, Engaging, Performing, and Contextualizing
Entrepreneurship" (Journal of Management)
Dean Shepherd, Ray and Milann Siegfried Professor of Entrepreneurship, Management & Organization
Entrepreneurship is multifaceted. The purpose of this review is to acknowledge and critically assess the
many and varied dependent variables (DVs) of entrepreneurship over the last 17 years. By focusing
exclusively on systematically reviewing entrepreneurship’s DVs, this paper maps out, classifies and
provides order to the phenomena that scholars consider part of this self-defined field of research. Using a
systematic selection process and an inductive approach to categorization, the authors offer a metaframework
for organizing entrepreneurship’s DVs.
"Emotion and consumption: Toward a new understanding of cultural collisions between Hong Kong and
PRC luxury consumers" (Journal of Consumer Culture)
John Sherry Jr., Raymond W. & Kenneth G. Herrick Professor of Marketing
This study examines how specific emotions drive consumption, as embodied by escalating conflicts
between luxury consumers in Hong Kong and the People's Republic of China. Emotions engender colliding
notions of self, status and cultural and political identity between these disparate yet intertwined cultures.
I congratulate the authors and I’m grateful for their dedication to research and academic excellence.
In Notre Dame,
IT wants to hear from you
Martijn Cremers
Monday, 25 February 2019All of our jobs depend heavily on technology, from our desktops to our classrooms, yet it’s easy to take for granted — until something does not work as we need it to work!
The Mendoza IT group would like to hear from you about how well the team is serving the College's needs. The team will host two listening sessions for College faculty and staff members: Tuesday, March 5, 3-4 p.m., Mendoza L061 Wednesday, March 13, 9-10 a.m., Stayer Commons The sessions are intended to give you an opportunity to provide feedback on items such as the services currently offered, if they are meeting expectations, how they can improve, suggestions for other services to offer and even how the IT team can make your job easier.
Mendoza IT director Chris Fruehwirth said the feedback is important to their strategic planning process to guide their future direction.
Each session will last about an hour, and they will be providing food as an incentive to show up!
I encourage at least one representative from each area of the College to attend a session.
I appreciate the commitment to excellence that the Mendoza IT team brings to the job every day.
In Notre Dame,