

Marketing's Vamsi Kanuri was selected as a winner of the 2020 Journal of Marketing Outstanding Reviewer Award. Vamsi was chosen for the recognition from the journal's 200-person Editorial Review Board based on his review workload and the constructiveness, thoroughness and timeliness of his reviews.
Vamsi will receive the award during the JM Editorial Review Board/AE meeting in August.

Congratulations to Xiaojing Duan, who served as the faculty adviser for the ND team competing in the  Business Analytics Competition at Manhattan College. After two rounds of intense competition on Friday and Saturday, the student team of Brendan Hogan, Josh King, Maggie McMahon and Elizabeth Messaglia won third place out of 31 teams.  

The annual competition provides students with the opportunity to practice their ability to draw business insight from a comprehensive analysis of relevant data. The ND team's project focused on equitable allocation of HUD funding to make homeownership feasible in New York City.

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