Employee Technology Orientation

NetID and Password

To connect to the Notre Dame network, check your email, login into classroom podium computers and access other vital information, you will need to activate your NetID and Password. To activate your NetID you must first read the Responsible Use Policy and answer a few questions.




The Mendoza IT Enterprise Support Services supports Gmail.  
For more information, visit the OIT website.

Your Office Computer

How to Request a New Computer

If you are unable to login to this site, please contact Mendoza IT at 574-631-7896 or email mendozait@nd.edu


MCoB Communication Google Groups

Mendoza College of Business uses the following Google Groups as a communication channel to all members of the college.


cb-enterprise - work related announcements 
cb-klatch - non-work related announcements (ticket sales)
cb-faculty - faculty related announcements 
cb-staff - staff related announcements


Click here for a complete list of all MCOB Google Groups

Connecting From Home


List of Base Software installed on your office machine. If you would like additional software, please contact the Mendoza IT Enterprise Support Services at 1-7896.


Supported Software 


Purchase Microsoft and Adobe Software for your Personal (home) Machine

Where to go for Help

The Mendoza IT Enterprise Support Services provides phone, walk-in, and e-mail support for all faculty, staff and students of the College of Business.
Mendoza IT Center
L054 Mendoza College of Business
Notre Dame, IN  46556
Phone:  (574) 631-7896
Fax:  (574) 631-5255
Email:  mendozait@nd.edu